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Tag: puppy

This Doggie Goes Crazy for Kisses, but does He want one? The average dog enjoys and tolerates kisses from thier owner, however it's not always the case for every dog!  Some loving dogs see a...

This Dog and Puppy are Trying Raw Foods, Some they Love... This puppy and Dog are trying new foods with their Mommy!  They really love some of the yummy meats and veggies, and some of...

Is This Adorable Puppy Going to Fall Asleep on the Baby? This tiny new sweet puppy is so sleepy wobbling his head on the babies blue blanket, is he going to fall asleep on the...

Toshi Loves to Sing and has alot to Say with His... This Sheba Inu Puppy at 6 months old can sing and talk with his Mama!  Love at first sight, this cute black, white and...

Relaxation & Sleep Music for Dogs

Music effects our mood, playing calm music for dogs also helps them to relax, nap and sleep. Some dogs suffer from anxiety conditions and...

Use these Massage Tricks to Reduce Anxiety for both you and...

You can help reduce Anxiety for both you and your dog by learning these easy Doggie Massage Tips: Play some soft music to help you...

West Highland Terrier Thinks there is Something Hiding in his Bed

The game is on come on! Madison and Riley are two West Highland Terriers who know how to play and have a good time! This...